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Study of B0-->J/Psi D(*) and etac D(*) in Perturbative QCD

Gad Eilam, Massimo Ladisa, Ya-Dong Yang

Published 2001-07-05, updated 2001-10-07Version 2

Motivated by recent interest in soft $J/\Psi$ production in B decays, we investigate ${B}^0 \to J/\Psi D^{(\star)}$ and $\eta_c D^{(\star)}$ decays in perturbative QCD. We find that, within that framework, these decays are calculable since the heavy $c\bar{c}$ pair in the final states is created by a hard gluon. The branching ratios are estimated to be around $10^{-7}\sim 10^{-8}$, too small to be consistent with the data, suggesting that other mechanism(s) contribute to the observed excess of soft $J/\Psi$ in ${B}^0 \to J/\Psi + X$ decays. The possibility of the production of a hybrid $s{\bar d}g$ meson with mass about 2 GeV is briefly entertained.

Comments: 9 pages, 3 figures, to appear in PRD
Journal: Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 037504
Categories: hep-ph
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