Quenching of hadron spectra in media
R. Baier, Yu. L. Dokshitzer, A. H. Mueller, D. Schiff
Published 2001-06-29Version 1
We determine how the yield of large transverse momentum hadrons is modified due to induced gluon radiation off a hard parton traversing a QCD medium. The quenching factor is formally a collinear- and infrared-safe quantity and can be treated perturbatively. In spite of that, in the $p_\perp$ region of practical interest, its value turns out to be extremely sensitive to large distances and can be used to unravel the properties of dense quark-gluon final states produced in heavy ion collisions. We also find that the standard modelling of quenching by shifting $p_\perp$ in the hard parton cross section by the mean energy loss is inadequate.