Contributions of Vector-Like Quarks to $B \to X_s γ$ and $B_s^0 \bar B_s^0$ Mixing
Mayumi Aoki, Makiko Nagashima, Noriyuki Oshimo
Published 2001-04-06Version 1
The radiative decay $\BSgamma$ and the mixing $\BsBs$ are discussed in the vector-like quark model which contains extra SU(2)-singlet quarks with the same electric charges as the up-type and down-type quarks. Constraints on the extended Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix are obtained from the experimental results for the branching ratio of $\BSgamma$ . Within these experimental bounds, any value of the branching ratio can be accounted for by the contributions from the vector-like quarks. In sizable ranges of the model parameters, the mixing parameter for $\BsBs$ is much different from the prediction of the standard model.
Comments: 4 pages, LATEX file with 3 EPS figures. To appear in the proceedings of BCP4, Ise-Shima, Japan, 18-23 Feb 2001
Categories: hep-ph
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