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QCD sum rules for rho mesons in nuclear matter

S. Mallik, Andreas Nyffeler

Published 2001-02-06, updated 2001-05-31Version 2

We investigate QCD sum rules for vector currents in the rho meson channel in the nuclear medium. For increased sensitivity, we subtract out the vacuum contributions. With a saturation scheme often considered in the literature, we find these subtracted sum rules to be unstable. It indicates the importance of other contributions neglected in the saturation scheme. These include more Landau singularities at low energy, additional operators in the medium, and possibly the in-medium width of the rho meson.

Comments: 11 pages including 2 figures, Revtex, uses psfig. v2: Some typos corrected, published version
Journal: Phys.Rev. C63 (2001) 065204
Categories: hep-ph, nucl-th
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