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Lepton Masses and Mixing Angles with Spontaneously Broken O(3) Flavor Symmetry

Gilad Perez

Published 2000-09-25, updated 2001-01-11Version 2

We present a model based on an O(3) flavor symmetry and a minimal extension of the scalar sector to induce hierarchical breaking, O(3) -> O(2) -> SO(2) -> nothing. The model naturally accounts for all the known lepton parameters and yields various interesting predictions for others: (i) Neutrinos are nearly degenerate, m_\nu \sim 0.1 eV; (ii) The solar neutrino problem is solved by the MSW small mixing angle solution; (iii) The MNS mixing angle theta_{13} is unobservably small, theta_{13} = O(10^{-5}).

Comments: 8 pages, LaTeX2e, published version, typos corrected and some of the notations were improved
Journal: JHEP 0012 (2000) 027
Categories: hep-ph
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