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Contribution of Inelastic Rescatterring to $B \to ππ, K \bar{K}$ Decays

P. Zenczykowski

Published 2000-09-05Version 1

We discuss multichannel inelastic rescatterring effects in B decays into a pair $PP$ of pseudoscalar mesons ($PP = \pi \pi$ or $K\bar{K}$). In agreement with short-distance models it is assumed that initially $B$ meson decays dominantly into jet-like states composed of two flying-apart low-mass resonances $M_1 M_2$ which rescatter into $PP$. Since from all S-matrix elements $<i|S|PP>$ involving $PP$ only some ($i = M_1 M_2$) contribute to the final state rescatterring, the latter is treated as a correction only. The rescatterring of resonance pair $M_1 M_2$ into the final $PP$ state is assumed to proceed through Regge exchange. Although effects due to a single intermediate state $M_1 M_2$ are small, it is shown that the combined effect of all such states should be large. In particular, amplitudes of B decays into $K\bar{K}$ become significantly larger than those estimated through short-distance penguin diagrams, to the point of being comparable to the $B\to \pi \pi$ amplitudes.

Comments: 25 LaTeX pages, 6 figures in one .ps file
Journal: Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 014016
Categories: hep-ph
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