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Predictions for associated production of gauginos and gluinos at NLO in SUSY-QCD

Edmond L. Berger, Michael Klasen, Tim M. P. Tait

Published 2000-05-19Version 1

NLO SUSY-QCD contributions to associated production of gluinos and gauginos are shown to enhance the cross sections by about 10% at the Tevatron and by as much as a factor of two at the LHC. They shift the mass determinations or discovery limits, soften the $p_T$ spectra, and stabilize the predictions against variations of the renormalization and factorization scales.

Comments: 4 pages, Latex (uses Moriond style file), 8 eps-figures. Talk presented at the XXXVth Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, France, March 18-25, 2000
Categories: hep-ph
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