Analysis of the Decays B-> ππand πK with QCD Factorization in the Heavy Quark Limit
Du Dongsheng, Yang Deshan, Zhu Guohuai
Published 2000-04-30, updated 2000-08-04Version 2
In this work, we calculate the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of the decays of $B \to \pi \pi$ and $\pi K$ in the frame of QCD factorization in the heavy quark limit. We also compare the results with the estimates by using conventional factorization and experimental measurements.
Comments: RevTeX, 14 pages including 5 eps figures
Journal: Phys.Lett.B488:46-54,2000
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: heavy quark limit, qcd factorization, cp asymmetries, conventional factorization, experimental measurements
Tags: journal article
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