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Implications of the Unitarity Triangle `uc' for J, $δ$ and $|V_{CKM}|$ elements

Monika Randhawa, V. Bhatnagar, P. S. Gill, M. Gupta

Published 2000-02-21, updated 2000-08-08Version 2

The Jarlskog rephasing invariant parameter $|J|$ is evaluated using one of the six Unitarity Triangles involving well known CKM matrix elements \vud, \vus,~\rub, ~\vcd, ~\vcs~ and ~\vcb. With PDG2000 values of \vud~ etc. as input, we obtain $|J|=(2.71 \pm 1.12) \times 10^{-5}$, which in the PDG representation of CKM matrix leads to the range $21^o~to~159^o$ for the CP violating phase $\delta$. The CKM matrix elements evaluated using this range of $\delta$ are in agreement with the PDG CKM matrix. The implications of refinements in the input on $|J|$, $\delta$ and CKM matrix elements have also been studied.

Comments: 14 pages, 3 figures (eps), updated in the light of latest PDG2000 data
Journal: Mod.Phys.Lett. A15 (2000) 2363-2372
Categories: hep-ph
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