Masses of the Goldstone modes in the CFL phase of QCD at finite density
Cristina Manuel, Michel H. G. Tytgat
Published 2000-01-12, updated 2000-02-10Version 2
We construct the U_L(3) x U_R(3) effective lagrangian which encodes the dynamics of the low energy pseudoscalar excitations in the Color-Flavor-Locking superconducting phase of QCD at finite quark density. We include the effects of instanton-induced interactions and study the mass pattern of the pseudoscalar mesons. A tentative comparison with the analytical estimate for the gap suggests that some of these low energy momentum modes are not stable for moderate values of the quark chemical potential.
Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures; Discussion of quark mass effects at very large densities amended, references added
Journal: Phys.Lett. B479 (2000) 190-200
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: cfl phase, finite density, goldstone modes, low energy momentum modes, low energy pseudoscalar excitations
Tags: journal article
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