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Discovery and Identifictation of Extra Gauge Bosons in e^+e^- -> nu nubar gamma

Stephen Godfrey, Pat Kalyniak, Basim Kamal, Arnd Leike

Published 2000-01-10Version 1

We examine the sensitivity of the process e+e- -> nu nubar gamma to extra gauge bosons, Z' and W', which arise in various extensions of the standard model. The process is found to be sensitive to W' masses up to several TeV, depending on the model, the center of mass energy, and the assumed integrated luminosity. If extra gauge bosons were discovered first in other experiments, the process could also be used to measure Z' nu nubar and W' couplings. This measurement would provide information that could be used to unravel the underlying theory, complementary to measurements at the Large Hadron Collider.

Comments: 45 pages, 17 postscript figures, Latex. Uses RevTex and epsfig
Journal: Phys.Rev. D61 (2000) 113009
Categories: hep-ph
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