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Lattice Study of $U_{A}(1)$ Anomaly: The Role of QCD-Monopoles

Shoichi Sasaki, Osamu Miyamura

Published 1998-10-20Version 1

We investigate the role of QCD-monopoles for the $U_{A}(1)$ anomaly in the maximally abelian gauge within the SU(2) lattice gauge theory. The existence of the strong correlation between instantons and QCD-monopoles in the abelian gauge was already shown by both analytic and numerical works including the Monte Carlo simulation. Their interrelation brings us a conjecture that the presence of QCD-monopoles plays a considerable role on the $U_{A}(1)$ anomaly. We find an evidence for our conjecture on a determination of the fermionic zero modes of the Dirac operator in both the ``monopole removed'' gauge configuration and the ``photon removed'' gauge configuration.

Comments: 15 pages, REVTeX, 12 figures included, accepted for publication in Physics Letters B
Journal: Phys.Lett. B443 (1998) 331-337
Categories: hep-lat
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