Confinement by Monopoles in the Positive Plaquette Model of SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
John D. Stack, Steven D. Neiman
Published 1996-01-29Version 1
Confinement via 't Hooft-Mandelstam monopoles is studied for the positive plaquette model in SU(2) lattice gauge theory. Positive plaquette model configurations are projected into the maximum abelian gauge and the magnetic current extracted. The resulting magnetic current is used to compute monopole contributions to Wilson loops and extract a monopole contribution to the string tension. As was previously found for the Wilson action, the monopole contribution to the string tension agrees with the string tension calculated directly from the SU(2) links. The fact that the positive plaquette model suppresses Z2 monopoles and vortices is discussed.
Comments: 8 pages, one Postscript figure, Latex, uses psfig files: posplaq.tex,posplaq.aux, packaged with uufiles
Journal: Phys.Lett. B377 (1996) 113-116
Categories: hep-lat
Keywords: positive plaquette model, lattice gauge theory, monopole contribution, confinement, string tension
Tags: journal article
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