The Pseudoscalar Meson Mass to Two Loops in Three-Flavor Partially Quenched $χ$PT
Johan Bijnens, Niclas Danielsson, Timo A. Lahde
Published 2004-06-11, updated 2004-12-09Version 2
This paper presents a first study of the pseudoscalar meson masses to two loops, or NNLO, within the supersymmetric formulation of partially quenched chiral perturbation theory (PQ$\chi$PT). The expression for the pseudoscalar meson mass in the case of three valence and three sea quarks with equal masses, but different from each other, is given to ${\cal O}(p^6)$, along with a numerical analysis.
Comments: 4 pages, one reference added, small changes in discussion
Journal: Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 111503
Categories: hep-lat
Keywords: three-flavor, pseudoscalar meson masses, partially quenched chiral perturbation theory, supersymmetric formulation, equal masses
Tags: journal article
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