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Energy-momentum of the gravitational field in the teleparallel geometry

J. W. Maluf, J. F. da Rocha-Neto, T. M. Toribio, K. H. Castello-Branco

Published 2000-08-29Version 1

The Hamiltonian formulation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity without gauge fixing has recently been established in terms of the Hamiltonian constraint and a set of six primary constraints. Altogether, they constitute a set of first class constraints. In view of the constraint structure we establish definitions for the energy, momentum and angular momentum of the gravitational field. In agreement with previous investigations, the gravitational energy-momentum density follows from a total divergence that arises in the constraints. This definition is applied successfully to the calculation of the irreducible mass of the Kerr black hole. The definition of the algular momentum of the gravitational field follows from the integral form of primary constraints that satisfy the angular momentum algebra.

Comments: 12 pages, Latex, no figures. Extended version of the talk presented at the IX Marcel Grossmann Conference, Rome
Categories: gr-qc
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