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Comment on "Peierls Gap in Mesoscopic Ring Threated by a Magnetic Flux"

G. Montambaux

Published 1998-03-17Version 1

In a recent letter, Yi et al. PRL 78, 3523 (1997), have considered the stability of a Charge Density Wave in a one-dimensional ring, in the presence of an Aharonov-Bohm flux. This comment shows that, in one dimension, the stability of the Charge Density Wave depends on the parity of the number of electrons in the ring. This effect is similar to the parity effect known for the persistent current in one-dimensional rings.

Comments: Latex, 1 page, 2 figures
Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 3417 (1998)
Categories: cond-mat.mes-hall
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