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Exciton Ionization, Franz-Keldysh and Stark Effects in Carbon Nanotubes

Vasili Perebeinos, Phaedon Avouris

Published 2007-01-29Version 1

We calculate the optical properties of carbon nanotubes in an external static electric field directed along the tube axis. We predict strong Franz-Keldysh oscillations in the first and second band-to-band absorption peaks, quadratic Stark effect of the first two excitons, and the field dependence of the bound exciton ionization rate for a wide range of tube chiralities. We find that the phonon assisted mechanism dominates the dissociation rate in electro-optical devices due to the hot optical phonons. We predict a quadratic dependence of the Sommerfeld factor on the electric field and its increase up to 2000% at the critical field of the full exciton dissociation.

Comments: 12 pages, 5 figures, Nano Letters (2007)
Journal: Nano Lett. 7, 609 (2007)
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