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Non-invasive detection of charge-rearrangement in a quantum dot in high magnetic fields

C. Fricke, M. C. Rogge, B. Harke, M. Reinwald, W. Wegscheider, F. Hohls, R. J. Haug

Published 2005-04-29Version 1

We demonstrate electron redistribution caused by magnetic field on a single quantum dot measured by means of a quantum point contact as non-invasive detector. Our device which is fabricated by local anodic oxidation allows to control independently the quantum point contact and all tunnelling barriers of the quantum dot. Thus we are able to measure both the change of the quantum dot charge and also changes of the electron configuration at constant number of electrons on the quantum dot. We use these features to exploit the quantum dot in a high magnetic field where transport through the quantum dot displays the effects of Landau shells and spin blockade. We confirm the internal rearrangement of electrons as function of the magnetic field for a fixed number of electrons on the quantum dot.

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