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An electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect

Thibaut Jonckheere, Pierre Devillard, Adeline Crepieux, Thierry Martin

Published 2005-03-25, updated 2006-01-06Version 4

We compute the interference pattern of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer operating in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Our theoretical proposal is inspired by a remarkable experiment on edge states in the Integer Quantum Hall effect (IQHE). The Luttinger liquid model is solved via two independent methods: refermionization at nu=1/2 and the Bethe Ansatz solution available for Laughlin fractions. The current differs strongly from that of single electrons in the strong backscattering regime. The Fano factor is periodic in the flux, and it exhibits a sharp transition from sub-Poissonian (charge e/2) to Poissonian (charge e) in the neighborhood of destructive interferences.

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