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Levitation of Current Carrying States in the Lattice Model for the Integer Quantum Hall Effect

Th. Koschny, H. Potempa, L. Schweitzer

Published 2001-02-22, updated 2001-04-24Version 2

The disorder driven quantum Hall to insulator transition is investigated for a two-dimensional lattice model. The Hall conductivity and the localization length are calculated numerically near the transition. For uncorrelated and weakly correlated disorder potentials the current carrying states are annihilated by the negative Chern states originating from the band center. In the presence of correlated disorder potentials with correlation length larger than approximately half the lattice constant the floating up of the critical states in energy without merging is observed. This behavior is similar to the levitation scenario proposed for the continuum model.

Comments: 4 pages incl. 4 eps-figures. Published version
Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3863 (2001)
Categories: cond-mat.mes-hall
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