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A Survey for Infall Motions toward Starless Cores. I. CS (2-1) and N$_2$H$^+$ (1-0) Observations

Chang Won Lee, Philip C. Myers, Mario Tafalla

Published 1999-06-29Version 1

In this paper, we present the first results of a survey of 220 starless cores selected primarily by their optical obscuration (Lee & Myers 1999) and observed in CS (2-1), N$_2$H$^+$ (1-0), and C$^{18}$O (1-0) using the NEROC Haystack 37-m telescope, to quantify the incidence of infall motions toward starless cores and find infall candidates for further study in the future.

Comments: 26 pages, 9 figures (13 PS files), accepted for publication to ApJ
Categories: astro-ph
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