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Effect of the Magellanic Clouds on the Milky Way disk and VICE VERSA

Martin D. Weinberg

Published 1998-11-12Version 1

The satellite-disk interaction provides limits on halo properties in two ways: (1) physical arguments motivate the excitation of observable Galactic disk structure in the presence of a massive halo, although precise limits on halo parameters are scenario-dependent; (2) conversely, the Milky Way as a whole has significant dynamical effect on LMC structure and this interaction also leads to halo limits. Together, these scenarios give strong corroboration of our current gravitational mass estimates and suggests a rapidly evolving LMC.

Comments: 12 pages, 8 Postscript figures, uses paspconf.sty. To appear in the Third Stromlo Symposium: The Galactic Halo (ASP Conference Series), in press. HTML version available at:
Categories: astro-ph
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