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Balmer Line Variations in the Radio-Loud AGN PG 1512+370

P. Romano, P. Marziani, D. Dultzin-Hacyan

Published 1997-11-30Version 1

We present spectroscopic observations of the quasar PG~1512+370, covering the Hbeta line spectral range and collected at moderate resolution (2-7 A FWHM) from 1988 to 1996. The observations show that the blue wing of the Hbeta broad profile component has changed significantly in flux and shape between 1988 and 1990 and between 1995 and 1996. A displaced blue peak on the Hbeta profile, visible in 1988, but not in the 1990-1995 spectra, is revealed again in one of the spectra obtained in 1996. The blue peak (in both the 1988 and 1996 spectra) is centered at Delta v_r ~ -3000 +/- 500 km/s from the rest frame defined by the narrow component of Hbeta, and the OIII lambda4959,5007 lines. We discuss several conflicting interpretations of the data. We find that the variability of the Hbeta blue wing is consistent with Balmer line emission from regions whose motion is predominantly radial, if variations of the blue wing are a response to continuum changes. Alternatively, we note that observed Hbeta line profile variations are consistent with a variable line component as in a ``binary black hole'' scenario. More frequent observations of Hbeta are needed to distinguish among these hypotheses.

Comments: 19 pages, 1 embedded figure (eps), to appear in ApJ 495
Categories: astro-ph
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