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Dynamical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies with Central Singularities

David Merritt, Gerald Quinlan

Published 1997-09-11, updated 1997-11-28Version 2

We study the effect of a massive central singularity on the structure of a triaxial galaxy using N-body simulations. Starting from a single initial model, we grow black holes with various final masses Mh and at various rates, ranging from impulsive to adiabatic. In all cases, the galaxy achieves a final shape that is nearly spherical at the center and close to axisymmetric throughout. However, the rate of change of the galaxy's shape depends strongly on the ratio Mh/Mg of black hole mass to galaxy mass. When Mh/Mg < 0.3%, the galaxy evolves in shape on a timescale that exceeds 100 orbital periods, or roughly a galaxy lifetime. When Mh/Mg > 2%, the galaxy becomes axisymmetric in little more than a crossing time. We propose that the rapid evolution toward axisymmetric shapes that occurs when Mh/Mg > 2% provides a negative feedback mechanism which limits the mass of central black holes by cutting off their supply of fuel.

Comments: 27 Latex pages, 9 Postscript figures, uses aastex.sty. Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Nov. 26, 1997
Categories: astro-ph
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