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Gravitational Lensing of Quasars by Spiral Galaxies

Abraham Loeb

Published 1997-01-15Version 1

Gravitational lensing by a spiral galaxy occurs when the line-of-sight to a background quasar passes within a few kpc from the center of the galactic disk. Since galactic disks are rich in neutral hydrogen, the quasar spectrum will likely be marked by a damped Lyman-alpha absorption trough at the lens redshift. Therefore, the efficiency of searches for gravitational lensing with sub-arcsecond splitting can be enhanced by 1-2 orders of magnitude by focusing on a subset of all bright quasars which show low-redshift (z<1) strong Lyman-alpha absorption (N>10^{21} cm^{-2}}). The double-image signature of lensing could, in principle, be identified spectroscopically and without the need for high-resolution imaging. The absorption spectrum of a spiral lens would show a generic double-step profile due to the superposition of the two absorption troughs of the different images. Finally, we note that searches for microlensing signatures of quasars with damped Lyman-alpha absorption could calibrate the fraction of MACHOs in galactic halos at high redshift.

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures, contribution to Texas symposium 1996
Categories: astro-ph
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