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First Results from the All-Sky Monitor on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer

Alan M. Levine, Hale Bradt, Wei Cui, J. G. Jernigan, Edward H. Morgan, Ronald Remillard, Robert E. Shirey, Donald A. Smith

Published 1996-08-16Version 1

The All-Sky Monitor on the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer has been monitoring the sky in the 1.5 - 12 keV band since late February. The instrument consists of three coded-aperture cameras which can be rotated to view different regions by a motorized drive assembly. Intensities of ~100 known sources are obtained via least-square fits of shadow patterns to the data and compiled to form x-ray light curves. Six orbital periodicities and four long-term periodicities, all previously known, have been detected in these light curves. Searches for additional sources have also been conducted. X-ray light curves for the Crab Nebula, Cyg X-1, 4U 1705-44, GRO J1655-40, and SMC X-1 are reported. They illustrate the quality of the results and the range of observed phenomena.

Comments: 9 pages, LaTeX type (aas2pp4.sty), one bitmapped and two PostScript figures, to appear in ApJL, September 20, 1996
Journal: Astrophys.J.469:L33,1996
Categories: astro-ph
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