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Colors, Luminosity Function and Counts of Galaxies

P. Saracco, G. Chincarini, A. Iovino

Published 1995-10-25, updated 1996-07-25Version 2

Standard models for deep galaxy counts are based on luminosity functions (LF) with relatively flat faint end ($\alpha\sim-1.0$). Galaxy counts in the B--band exceed the prediction of such models by a factor of 2 to more than 5, forcing the introduction of strong luminosity and/or density evolution. Recently Marzke et al. (1994a) using the CfA redshift survey sample find that the number of galaxies in the range $-16<M_{Zw}<-13$ exceeds the extrapolation of a flat faint end LF by a factor of 2. Here we show that this steep LF substantially contributes to justify the observed blue galaxy counts without invoking strong luminosity and/or density evolution. Furthermore we show that taking into account the variation of the $B-K$ color as a function of the morphological types and assuming a mean value $<B-K><2.5$ for dwarf galaxies, we reproduce well also the observed $K$--band deep galaxy counts. This assumption is supported by the strong correlation we found between $B-K$ color of galaxies and their infrared absolute magnitude: galaxies become bluer with decreasing luminosity.

Comments: 6 pages, TeX, 9 PostScript figures, to appear in MNRAS
Categories: astro-ph
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