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New Results on the Coma cluster: Revealing the Primary Component

F. Durret, A. Biviano, D. Gerbal, O. Le Fevre, C. Lobo, A. Mazure, E. Slezak

Published 1995-08-31Version 1

Recent observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies in its central region have provided approximately 250 new redshifts - allowing a good membership criterion to be established for brighter galaxies - and magnitudes for 8000 objects in the same region derived from photometric data complete up to V$_{26.5}$=22.5. A thorough structural study of the galaxy distribution of the cluster galaxies, jointly with an X-ray wavelet analysis, and with a kinematical analysis of the velocity distribution allows us to uncover a primary body of the cluster, with evidence for a velocity gradient.

Comments: PostScript, 8 pages with figures, to appear in the proceedings of the workshop "Observational Cosmology: from Galaxies to Galaxy Systems", Sesto-Italy, 4-7 July 1995, in a devoted issue of Astrophysical Letters and Communications
Categories: astro-ph
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