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Constraints on Self-Interacting Dark Matter

Andrew A. de Laix, Robert J. Scherrer, Robert K. Schaefer

Published 1995-02-20Version 1

We consider the growth of density perturbations in the presence of self--interacting dark matter, SIDM, proposed by Carlson, Machacek and Hall (1992). We determine the range of values for the coupling constant $\lambda$ and the particle mass $m^\prime$, for which the power spectrum lies in the ``allowed" range based on constraints from the IRAS galaxy survey and damped Lyman--$\alpha $ systems. Our results show that no combination of parameters can meet both limits. We consider constraints on the $\2-2$ scatterings which keep the SIDM particles in pressure equilibrium, and we show that if such interactions maintain pressure equilibrium down to the present, they will be strong enough to disrupt galaxy mergers and may lead to stripping of galaxy halos as galaxies move through the dark matter background of these particles. Hence, we also investigate the evolution of large-scale structure in the SIDM model when the particles drop out of pressure equilibrium at some higher redshift. The resulting free-streaming leads to an additional suppression of small-scale perturbations, but it does not significantly affect our results.

Comments: 19 pages compressed post-script (3 figures included)
Journal: Astrophys.J.452:495,1995
Categories: astro-ph
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