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Max Tegmark

Published 1995-02-06Version 1

A new method for estimating the power spectrum $C_l$ from cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps was recently presented by the author and applied to the 2 year COBE data. It was found that the spectral resolution $\Delta l$ for COBE could be more than doubled at $l=15$, thereby revealing previously unresolved features in the power spectrum. Whereas that paper was rather technical, the present paper shows that all qualitative features of this method can be understood from a simple analogy with quantum mechanics.

Comments: 4 pages, incl one figure. Postscript. For proceedings of 17th Texas Symposium. Latest version at or from
Journal: Annals N.Y.Acad.Sci.759:684-687,1995
Categories: astro-ph
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