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Giant Explosion at the Galactic Center and Huge Shocked Shells in the Halo

Yoshiaki SOFUE

Published 1994-02-14Version 1

We simulate the propagation of a shock front through the galactic halo induced by an explosion and/or a starburst at the galactic center. A huge dumbbell ($\Omega$)-shaped shock front produced by an explosion of energy $3\times 10^{56}$ ergs about fifteen million years ago can mimic the radio and X-ray North Polar Spur as well the southern large X-ray spur. The post-shock high-temperature gas in the corona will explain the observed X-ray bulge around the galactic center. Key workds Galaxy: center -- Galaxy: halo -- Radio continuum: general -- Shock wave -- X-rays: general

Comments: Plain TEX 4 pages Figs upon request, Univ. Tokyo ASTRO PREPRINT No.94-04 (To appear in Ap.J. Letter)
Categories: astro-ph
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