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External Shocks, UHECRs, and the Early Afterglow of GRBs

Charles D. Dermer

Published 2006-11-06Version 1

Highly variable gamma-ray pulses and X-ray flares in GRB light curves can result from external shocks rather than central engine activity under the assumption that the GRB blast-wave shell does not spread. Acceleration of cosmic rays to 10^{20} eV energies can take place in the external shocks of GRBs. Escape of hadronic energy in the form of UHECRs leads to a rapidly decelerating GRB blast wave, which may account for the rapid X-ray declines observed in Swift GRBs.

Comments: 6 pages, 1 figure, in Proc. of Swift and GRBs: Unveiling the Relativistic Universe, Venice, Italy, 5-9 June 2006
Journal: Nuovo Cim.B121:1331-1336,2006
Categories: astro-ph
Subjects: 98.70.Rz, 95.85.Ry
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