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A Molecular Gas Study of Low Luminosity Radio Galaxies

I. Prandoni, R. A. Laing, P. Parma, H. R. de Ruiter, F. M. Montenegro-Montes, T. L. Wilson

Published 2006-10-16Version 1

We discuss CO spectral line data of a volume-limited sample of 23 nearby (z<0.03) low luminosity radio galaxies, selected from the B2 catalogue. We investigate whether the CO properties of our sample are correlated with the properties of the host galaxy, and in particular with the dust component. We find strong evidences for a physical link between the dust disks probed by HST in the galaxy cores and the molecular gas probed by the CO spectral lines, which in two cases display a double-horn shape, consistent with ordered rotation. On the other hand, from a preliminary comparison with other samples of radio sources we find no significant differences in molecular gas properties between FRI and FRII radio sources. In order to confirm the suggestion that the CO is dynamically associated with the core dust disks, the most suitable sources of our sample will be proposed for interferometric imaging at PdBI.

Comments: To appear on New Astronomy Reviews, Vol. 51 eds. Morganti, Oosterloo, Villar-Martin & van Gorkom
Journal: NewAstron.Rev.51:43-46,2007
Categories: astro-ph
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