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The dependence of clustering on galaxy properties

Cheng Li, Guinevere Kauffmann, Y. P. Jing, Simon D. M. White, Gerhard Boerner, F. Z. Cheng

Published 2005-09-29, updated 2006-04-19Version 3

(abridged)We use a sample of ~200,000 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to study how clustering depends on properties such as stellar mass (M*), colour (g-r), 4000A break strength (D4000), concentration index (C), and stellar surface mass density (\mu_*). We find that more massive galaxies cluster more strongly than less massive galaxies, with the difference increasing above the characteristic stellar mass of the Schechter mass function. When divided by physical quantities, galaxies with redder colours, larger D4000, higher C and larger \mu_* cluster more strongly. The clustering differences are largest on small scales and for low mass galaxies. At fixed stellar mass,the dependences of clustering on colour and 4000A break strength are similar. Different results are obtained when galaxies are split by concentration or surface density. The dependence of w(r_p) on g-r and D4000 extends out to physical scales that are significantly larger than those of individual dark matter haloes (> 5 Mpc/h). This large-scale clustering dependence is not seen for the parameters C or \mu_*. On small scales (< 1 Mpc/h), the amplitude of the correlation function is constant for ``young'' galaxies with 1.1 < D4000< 1.5 and a steeply rising function of age for ``older'' galaxies with D4000>1.5. In contrast, the dependence of the amplitude of w(r_p) on concentration on scales less than 1 Mpc/h is strongest for disk-dominated galaxies with C<2.6. This demonstrates that different processes are required to explain environmental trends in the structure and in star formation history of galaxies.

Comments: 17 pages, 14 figures; reference updated and text slightly changed to match the published version; Tables 5 and 6 are available at
Journal: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.368:21-36,2006
Categories: astro-ph
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