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The energetic Universe

X. Barcons

Published 2005-08-09Version 1

In this paper I review the main topics on the energetic Universe that have been put forward as main science goals in the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 exercise. I discuss the study of matter under extreme conditions (both under strong gravity and at ultra-high densities), the cosmology of baryons (assembly of ordinary matter in dark-matter dominated structures and the creation of heavy elements) and the co-eval growth of super-massive black holes and stars in galaxies along cosmic history. Most of these topics can be addressed with a large-aperture deep Universe X-ray space observatory that can be flown soon after 2015, complemented by gravitational wave observatories (LISA), a focussing gamma-ray observatory, a far infrared high-sensitivity observatory and an X-ray survey telescope.

Comments: 10 pages, contribution to the 39th ESLAB symposium, ESA-SP (in press)
Categories: astro-ph
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