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The dark clump near Abell 1942: dark matter halo or statistical fluke?

A. von der Linden, T. Erben, P. Schneider, F. J. Castander

Published 2005-01-20Version 2

Weak lensing surveys provide the possibility of identifying dark matter halos based on their total matter content rather than just the luminous matter content. On the basis of two sets of observations carried out with the CFHT, Erben et al. (2000) presented the first candidate dark clump, i.e. a dark matter concentration identified by its significant weak lensing signal without a corresponding galaxy overdensity or X-ray emission. We present a set of HST mosaic observations which confirms the presence of an alignment signal at the dark clump position. The signal strength, however, is weaker than in the ground-based data. It is therefore still unclear whether the signal is caused by a lensing mass or is just a chance alignment. We also present Chandra observations of the dark clump, which fail to reveal any significant extended emission. A comparison of the ellipticity measurements from the space-based HST data and the ground-based CFHT data shows a remarkable agreement on average, demonstrating that weak lensing studies from high-quality ground-based observations yield reliable results.

Comments: 33 pages, 34 figures, submitted to A&A. Version with full resolution figures available at
Categories: astro-ph
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