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A numerical fit of analytical to simulated density profiles in dark matter haloes

R. Caimmi, C. Marmo, T. Valentinuzzi

Published 2004-11-16, updated 2005-05-10Version 2

Analytical and geometrical properties of generalized power-law (GPL) density profiles are investigated in detail. In particular, a one-to-one correspondence is found between mathematical parameters and geometrical parameters. Then GPL density profiles are compared with simulated dark haloes (SDH) density profiles, and nonlinear least-absolute values and least-squares fits involving the above mentioned five parameters (RFSM5 method) are prescribed. More specifically, the sum of absolute values or squares of absolute logarithmic residuals is evaluated on a large number of points making a 5-dimension hypergrid, through a few iterations. The size is progressively reduced around a fiducial minimum, and superpositions on nodes of earlier hypergrids are avoided. An application is made to a sample of 17 SDHs on the scale of cluster of galaxies, within a flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model (Rasia et al. 2004). In dealing with the mean SDH density profile, a virial radius, averaged over the whole sample, is assigned, which allows the calculation of the remaining parameters. Using a RFSM5 method provides a better fit with respect to other methods. No evident correlation is found between SDH dynamical state (relaxed or merging) and asymptotic inner slope of the logarithmic density profile or (for SDH comparable virial masses) scaled radius. Mean values and standard deviations of some parameters are calculated, and a comparison with previous results is made with regard to the scaled radius. A certain degree of degeneracy is found in fitting GPL to SDH density profiles. If it is intrinsic to the RFSM5 method or it could be reduced by the next generation of high-resolution simulations, still remains an open question.

Comments: 44 pages, 6 figures, updated version with recent results from high-resolution simulations (Diemand et al. 2004; Reed et al. 2005) included in the discussion; accepted for publication on SAJ (Serbian Astronomical Journal)
Journal: Serb.Astron.J. 170 (2005) 13-32
Categories: astro-ph
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