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Microquasars and gamma-ray sources

Gustavo E. Romero

Published 2004-07-21Version 1

Microquasars are X-ray binary systems with non-thermal radio emission originated in jet-like features. They are attractive sites for gamma-ray production, since relativistic particles in the jet should traverse locally strong both photon and matter fields. In this review we discuss whether some of the unidentified gamma-ray sources detected by the EGRET instrument of the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory might be associated with microquasars. Relevant models for gamma-ray emission in such binaries are described and prospects for the detection of microquasars with instruments of new generation are briefly evaluated.

Comments: Invited talk presented at the V Microquasar Workshop, Beijing, June 2004. 12 pages, 7 figures
Categories: astro-ph
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