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Neutrinos from Dark Matter annihilations at the Galactic Centre

Gianfranco Bertone, Emmanuel Nezri, Jean Orloff, Joseph Silk

Published 2004-03-13Version 1

We discuss the prospects for detection of high energy neutrinos from dark matter annihilation at the Galactic centre. Despite the large uncertainties associated with our poor knowledge of the distribution of dark matter in the innermost regions of the Galaxy, we determine an upper limit on the neutrino flux by requiring that the associated gamma-ray emission does not exceed the observed flux. We conclude that if dark matter is made of neutralinos, a neutrino flux from dark matter annihilations at the GC will not be observable by Antares. Conversely, the positive detection of such a flux would either require an alternative explanation, in terms of astrophysical processes, or the adoption of other \DM candidates, disfavouring the case for neutralinos.

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PRD
Journal: Phys.Rev. D70 (2004) 063503
Categories: astro-ph, hep-ph
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