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The black hole mass versus velocity dispersion relation in QSOs/Active Galactic Nuclei: observational appearance and black hole growth

Qingjuan Yu, Youjun Lu

Published 2003-11-17, updated 2004-08-01Version 2

Studies of massive black holes (BHs) in nearby galactic centers have revealed a tight correlation between BH mass and galactic velocity dispersion. In this paper we investigate how the BH mass versus velocity dispersion relation and the nuclear luminosity versus velocity dispersion relation in QSOs/active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are connected with the BH mass versus velocity dispersion relation in local galaxies, through the nuclear luminosity evolution of individual QSOs/AGNs and the mass growth of individual BHs. In the study we ignore the effects of BH mergers and assume that the velocity dispersion does not change significantly during and after the nuclear activity phase. Using the observed correlation in local galaxies and an assumed form of the QSO/AGN luminosity evolution and BH growth, we obtain the simulated observational appearance of the BH mass versus velocity dispersion relation in QSOs/AGNs. The simulation results illustrate how the BH accretion history (e.g., the lifetime of nuclear activity and the possibility that QSOs/AGNs accrete at a super-Eddington accretion rate at the early evolutionary stage) can be inferred from the difference between the relation in QSOs/AGNs and that in local galaxies. We also show how the difference may be weakened by the flux limit of telescopes. We expect that a large complete sample of QSOs/AGNs with accurate BH mass and velocity dispersion measurements will help to quantitatively constrain QSO/AGN luminosity evolution and BH growth models.

Comments: 20 pages, including 4 figures; revised to match the published version
Journal: Astrophys.J. 610 (2004) 93-104
Categories: astro-ph
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