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Numerical simulations of expanding supershells in dwarf irregular galaxies. I. Application to Holmberg I

E. I. Vorobyov, U. Klein, Yu. A. Shchekinov, J. Ott

Published 2003-11-06Version 1

Numerical hydrodynamical modelling of supernova-driven shell formation is performed with a purpose to reproduce a giant HI ring (diameter 1.7 kpc) in the dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg I (Ho I). We find that the contrast in HI surface density between the central HI depression and the ring is sensitive to the shape of the gravitational potential. This circumstance can be used to constrain the total mass (including the dark matter halo) of nearly face-on dwarf irregulars. We consider two models of Ho I, which differ by an assumed mass of the dark matter halo M_h. The contrast in HI surface density between the central HI depression and the ring, as well as the lack of gas expansion in the central hole, are better reproduced by the model with a massive halo of M_h=6.0*10^9 M_sun than by that with a small halo of M_h=4.0*10^8 M_sun, implying that Ho I is halo-dominated. Assuming the halo mass of 6.0*10^9 M_sum, we determine the mechanical energy required to form the observed ring equal to (3.0 +- 0.5)*10^53 ergs, equivalent 300+-50 Type II supernovae. The inclination of Ho I is constrained to 15-20 degrees by comparing the modelled HI spectrum and channel maps with those observed.

Comments: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Journal: Astron.Astrophys. 413 (2004) 939-948
Categories: astro-ph
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