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The Non-Linear Dependence of Flux on Black Hole Mass and Accretion Rate in Core Dominated Jets

S. Heinz, R. Sunyaev

Published 2003-05-14, updated 2003-08-04Version 2

We derive the non-linear relation between the core flux F_{nu} of accretion powered jets at a given frequency and the mass M of the central compact object. For scale invariant jet models, the mathematical structure of the equations describing the synchrotron emission from jets enables us to cancel out the model dependent complications of jet dynamics, retaining only a simple, model independent algebraic relation between F_{nu} and M. This approach allows us to derive the F_{nu}-M relation for any accretion disk scenario that provides a set of input boundary conditions for the magnetic field and the relativistic particle pressure in the jet, such as standard and advection dominated accretion flow (ADAF) disk solutions. Surprisingly, the mass dependence of F_{nu} is very similar in different accretion scenarios. For typical flat-spectrum core dominated radio jets and standard accretion scenarios we find F_{nu}~M^{17/12}. The 7-9 orders of magnitude difference in black hole mass between microquasars and AGN jets imply that AGN jets must be about 3-4 orders of magnitude more radio loud than microquasars, i.e., the ratio of radio to bolometric luminosity is much smaller in microquasars than in AGN jets. Because of the generality of these results, measurements of this F_{nu}-M dependence are a powerful probe of jet and accretion physics. We show how our analysis can be extended to derive a similar scaling relation between the accretion rate mdot and F_{nu} for different accretion disk models. For radiatively inefficient accretion modes we find that the flat spectrum emission follows F_{nu}~(mdot*M)^{17/12}.

Comments: Added key words and acknowledgements, minor editorial corrections. 6 pages, to appear in MNRAS 343, L59-L64
Journal: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 343 (2003) L59
Categories: astro-ph
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