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Detailed comparison of the structures and kinematics of simulated and observed barred galaxies

J. K. O'Neill, J. Dubinski

Published 2003-05-09Version 1

We examine the observable properties of simulated barred galaxies including radial mass profiles, edge-on structure and kinematics, bar lengths and pattern speed evolution for detailed comparison to real systems. We have run several simulations in which bars are created through inherent instabilities in self-consistent simulations of a realistic disc+halo galaxy model with a disc-dominated, flat rotation curve. These simulations were run at high (N=20M particles) and low (N=500K) resolution to test numerical convergence. We determine the pattern speeds in simulations directly from the phase angle of the bar versus time and the Tremaine-Weinberg method. Fundamental dynamics do not change between the high and low resolution, suggesting that convergence has been reached in this case. We find the higher resolution is needed to simulate structural and kinematic properties accurately. The edge-on view of the higher-resolution system clearly shows the bending instability and formation of a peanut-shaped bulge. We determined bar lengths by different means to determine the simulated bar is fast, with a corotation to bar length ratio under 1.5. Simulated bars in these models form with pattern speeds slower than those observed and slow down during their evolution. Dynamical friction between the bar and dark halo is responsible for this deceleration, as revealed by the transfer of angular momentum between the disc and the halo. However, even though the pattern speed is reduced at later times, the instantaneous scale length of the disc has grown sufficiently for the bar motion to agree with many observations. By using a different model and simulation technique than other authors, we are able to compare the robustness of these methods.

Comments: 14 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS. For animation files and high resolution figures, see
Journal: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 346 (2003) 251
Categories: astro-ph
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