The Radio/Mid-Infrared Correlation and the Contribution of 15-micron Galaxies to the 1.4-GHz Source Counts
C. Gruppioni, F. Pozzi, G. Zamorani, P. Ciliegi, C. Lari, E. Calabrese, F. La Franca, I. Matute
Published 2003-03-05Version 1
The radio counterparts to the 15-micron sources in the European Large Area ISO Survey southern fields are identified in 1.4-GHz maps down to about 80 microJy. The radio-MIR correlation is investigated and derived for the first time at these flux densities for a sample of this size. Our results show that radio and MIR luminosities correlate almost as well as radio and FIR, at least up to z ~ 0.6. Using the derived relation and its spread together with the observed 15-micron counts, we have estimated the expected contribution of the 15-micron extragalactic populations to the radio source counts and the role of MIR starburst galaxies in the well known 1.4-GHz source excess observed at sub-mJy levels. Our analysis demonstrates that IR emitting starburst galaxies do not contribute significantly to the 1.4-GHz counts for strong sources, but start to become a significant fraction of the radio source population at flux densities < 0.5 - 0.8 mJy. They are expected to be responsible for more than 60% of the observed radio counts at < 0.05 mJy. These results are in agreement with the existing results on optical identifications of faint radio sources.