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CL 1358+62: Characterizing the Physical Properties of Cluster Galaxies at z=0.33

Kim-Vy Tran, Luc Simard, Garth Illingworth, Marijn Franx

Published 2003-02-14Version 1

[Abridged] We examine the physical properties of 173 cluster members in CL1358+62 (z=0.33) from HST WFPC2 imaging taken in the F606W & F814W filters (rest-frame B & V) over a 2.2x2.2 Mpc^2 field. Structural parameters are measured for each member by fitting a PSF-convolved, two component model to their 2D surface brightness distribution. We examine bulge+disk models using three different bulge profiles (de Vaucouleurs, Sersic, and exponential), and rigorously test the robustness of our results by analyzing several thousand artificial galaxies in the same manner as the cluster data. Combining structural parameters with ground-based spectroscopy, we test for correlations between morphological characteristics, current star formation, total galaxy colors, and cluster substructure. We find that: (1) Using a de Vaucouleurs bulge, bulge-to-total ratios and Hubble type (-5<T<8) are strongly correlated (99% CL), but the scatter is large and early-type spirals are not reliably distinguished from E's and S0's based on (B/T). (2) The low luminosity ellipticals in our sample are likely to be face-on S0 galaxies. (3) High galaxy asymmetry and strong [OII] emission are strongly correlated for disk-dominated members. (4) There exists a small population (~5%) of bulge-dominated members whose significant [OII] emission (<-5A) suggest they harbor AGN. (5) At these redshifts, determining the correct Sersic index can be highly unreliable.

Comments: Accepted by ApJ; includes extensive discussion on reliability of fitting 2D bulge/disk models. Higher resolution images available at
Journal: Astrophys.J. 590 (2003) 238-255
Categories: astro-ph
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