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Chandra Observations of Abell 2029: No Cooling Flow and a Steep Abundance Gradient

Aaron D. Lewis, John T. Stocke, David A. Buote

Published 2002-05-22Version 1

We have obtained high spatial resolution temperature and abundance profiles for the galaxy cluster Abell 2029 with the Chandra ACIS-S instrument. Our observations reveal that the spectra are well-fit by a single-phase gas in each annulus. While the temperature of the intracluster medium drops from ~9 keV at 3 arcmin (260 kpc) to 3 keV in the central 5 arcsec (5 kpc) of the cluster, there is no evidence for gas emitting at temperatures below 3 keV. The addition of a cooling flow component does not improve the fits, despite previous claims for a massive cooling flow. There is also no evidence for excess absorption above the Galactic N_H value. We also observe a steep Fe abundance gradient, such that Z_Fe >= 2 Z_solar (assuming meteoritic solar Fe abundance) in the core, consistent with significant enrichment from Fe-rich Type Ia supernovae in the cD galaxy. The Fe abundance drops to ~0.5 Z_solar at 3 arcmin (260 kpc), in good agreement with previous BeppoSAX measurements. The high resolution image reveals neither a strong central point source, nor any filamentary structure related to a cooling flow or a merger. The absence of a strong merger signature argues against the creation of the wide-angle-tail radio source morphology in a merger event. (modified for astro-ph).

Comments: 5 pages (latex emulateapj5 format), 5 eps figures, To Appear in ApJ Letters
Journal: Astrophys.J. 573 (2002) L13-17
Categories: astro-ph
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