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The Clustering, Number Counts and Morphology of Extremely Red (R-K>5) Galaxies to K=21

Nathan Roche, Omar Almaini, James Dunlop, R. J. Ivison, Chris Willott

Published 2002-05-16, updated 2002-08-14Version 3

We investigate the number counts, clustering, morphology and radio/X-ray emission of extremely red objects (EROs), defined as galaxies with R-K>5.0. This criterion will select old, passive ellipticals at z>0.9. To K=21 we identify a total of 158 EROs in 81.5 sq. arcmin. The ERO number counts are lower than predicted by a pure luminosity evolution model, but higher than predicted by current CDM-based hierarchical models. They can be fitted by a combination of moderate merging with a decrease with redshift in the comoving number density of passive galaxies. We investigate the angular correlation function and find that the EROs have a much higher correlation amplitude than full K-limited samples of galaxies. This implies that the intrinsic clustering of EROs is stronger than that of present-day E/S0 galaxies. We estimate the comoving correlation radius as 10-13 Mpc. We estimate seeing-corrected angular sizes and morphological types for a K<19.5 subsample (31 galaxies), and find a 3:2 mixture of bulge and disk profiles. 1/4 appear to be interacting, disturbed or irregular. The angular sizes of the bulge-profile EROs are consistent with passively evolving ellipticals at 0.9<z<2. Seven of the bright EROs are detected as 1.4 GHz radio sources. The strongest, at 5 mJy, is also a Chandra X-ray detection, and lies at the centre of a possible cluster of EROs. Another source is elongated and aligned with the optical axis and may be a ULIRG-type starburst.

Comments: 18 pages, latex, 18 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Significant revisions and corrections following referees Comments
Journal: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 337 (2002) 1282
Categories: astro-ph
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