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The interpretation of the emission spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7130. Determination of the AGN and starburst contributions

M. Contini, M. Radovich, P. Rafanelli, G. M. Richter

Published 2002-02-18Version 1

Detailed modeling of the different regions of NGC 7130 is presented, accounting for its composite nature of AGN and starburst galaxy. Shock waves, created by stellar winds from hot massive stars and by supernova ejecta, are evident in the continuum and line spectra emitted from the clouds. The AGN starburst connection is discussed on the basis of model results, considering in particular the distribution of densities and velocities throughout the galaxy.

Comments: 36 pages +10 figures PostScript To appear in The Astrophysical Journal
Categories: astro-ph
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