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G343.1-2.3 and PSR 1706-44

R Dodson, M Howlett, K. Golap, N. Udaya Shankar, J. Osborne

Published 2001-11-21Version 1

The association of G343.1-2.3 and PSR 1706-44 has been controversial from its first proposal. In this paper we present new evidence from images made by with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), MRT and Mt. Pleasant. To cover the full extent of G343.1-2.3 with ATCA mosaicing was required, and we present the polarisation images from this experiment. The ATCA observations confirms the much larger extent of the SNR, which now encompasses the pulsar.

Comments: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in "Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants" (ASP Conference Proceedings), eds P. O. Slane and B. M. Gaensler
Categories: astro-ph
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