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Detection of H3+ in the interstellar medium of IRAS 08572+3915

T. R. Geballe

Published 2001-09-11Version 1

The first detection of the molecular ion H3+ in an extragalactic object has been made toward the highly obscured ultraluminous galaxy, IRAS 08572+3915. Two absorption features near 3.9 microns in its spectrum are identified as the redshifted 3.668 microns doublet and 3.716 microns singlet lines of H3+, both previously detected in a number of galactic molecular and diffuse clouds. We discuss the probable location of the H3+ in this galaxy.

Comments: 4 pages, including one figure. To be published in the Proceedings of the Meeting on Gaseous Matter in Galactic and Intergalactic Space, XVIIth IAP Colloquium, Paris, 19-23 June, 2001
Categories: astro-ph
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